Accountability For Those Too Busy To Plan!
----------------------------------- There are certain times of year I just love, as a business owner. Take September, for example. The 'going-back-to-school' time when we delve back into our businesses with a fresh perspective having had (hopefully) some time to refresh over the summer. We take stock of our accomplishments so far, plan exciting things in the run-up to December to close the year having hit our targets, and re-evaluate our current commitments and narratives, deciding what still serves us and what will no longer do. I review my progress against my yearly plan at the end of each quarter but spend a whole day doing this and making refinements at the end of Q2. Others do their biggest planning in March/April in lieu of the tax year; whenever you make your best plans for the months ahead, I’m interested to know what you are planning on carrying with you, and what you intend on letting go. So many people make promises to themselves that