
Showing posts from December, 2015

How much do ghostwriters charge?

The cost of co-writing, or ghostwriting, services can vary dramatically. They tend to depend upon the level of the client (celebrity, professional etc), experience and location of the writer, affiliations with publishing agencies, the length of the book and the overall value having the book creates. Writers associated with publishing companies charge significantly more than those who write independently. Here are some of the different ways co-writers and ghostwriters charge: Per word This is fairly common, with writers in the UK charging between £0.03 - £2 per word. This is more practical as a way of charging for marketing content. Depending on the platform, marketing content pieces have a relatively small word count. Books have tens of thousands of words, so this method could get overly expensive. A per word rate can also incentivise writers to write more words, rather than be concise and focus on value. Hourly A typical hourly rate for a writer is £10-£70. Again

Would someone tag you in this?!

  “My Book” I’ve always wanted to write a book, dreamt for years of doing it imagined friends and family having a look ...but I just never get round to it I’ve always wanted to write a book, but how do I find the time? One day I will and it’ll be a labour of love, perfected line by line I’ve always wanted to write a book, my tales of blood, sweat & tears. I’ve got so much to tell the world, so much to share. I’ve achieved so much over the years. I’ve always wanted to write a book but I’m not sure where to start. I’ve got an idea and a handful of notes, but when it comes to writing, I’m in the dark I was thinking some more about writing my book, when my friend called me up to say he knows a great writer who can help me out; looks like I’ll finally be an author one day! If you know someone this applies to, tag them below :-) We'll spread some Christmas cheer and send y

Book Myths vs Realities

When speaking with business owners about their books, I often hear the same excuses for why they haven't done it yet. I get it, though. A book certainly feels like a big undertaking to a lot of people, particularly to those who don't realise they can get coached through the writing process or just pay to have the whole thing done for them professionally. The reality is that it can be incredibly straight forward.  Many people believe that their book must be this epic work of literary genius, hundreds of pages long, years in the making. A book for marketing your business can be a short and sweet value-add. A package containing your insights, knowledge and experience. A chance for your prospects to connect with you as a person at their leisure, without the fear of being pitched. Knowing the success a book can bring to small business, (think along the lines of what is just one client worth to you? How about 10 new clients?), I wanted to share the most common